This is the most complete lyrics application of celine dion 2020 from the first album to the last albums.
Offline all songs with lyrics application
🔷 album: "La Voix Du Bon Dieu" (1981)
🔷 album: "Celine Dion albums Chante Noel" (1981)
🔷 album: "Tellement J'Ai D'Amuor Pour Toi" (1982)
🔷 album: "Les Chemins De Ma Maison" (1983)
🔷 album: "Du Soleil Au Coeur" (1983)
🔷 album: "Chantes Et Contes De Noel" (1983)
🔷 album: "Melanie" (1984)
🔷 album: "C'est Pour Toi" (1985)
🔷 album: "Les Chansons En Or" (1986)
🔷 album: "Incognito" (1987)
🔷 album: "The Best Of / Vivre" (1988)
🔷 album: "Unison" (1990)
🔷 album: "Dion Chante Plamondon" (1991)
🔷 album: "CelineDion" (1992)
🔷 album: "The Colour Of My Love" (1993)
🔷 album: "D'eux / The French Album" (1995)
🔷 album: "Gold" (1995)
🔷 album: "Gold, Vol. 2" (1995)
🔷 album: "Falling Into You" (1996)
🔷 album: "Let's Talk About Love" (1997)
🔷 album: "S'il Suffisait D'aimer" (1998)
🔷 album: "These Are Special Times" (1998)
🔷 album: "All The Way... A Decade Of Song" (1999)
🔷 album: "Au Coeur Du Stade" (1999)
🔷 album: "A New Day Has Come" (2002)
🔷 album: "1 Fille & 4 Types" (2003)
🔷 album: "One Heart" (2003)
🔷 album: "Miracle" (2004)
🔷 album: "D'Elles" (2007)
🔷 album: "Taking Chances" (2007)
🔷 album: "Sans Attendre" (2012)
🔷 album: "Loved Me Back To Life" (2013)
🔷 album: "Encore Un Soir" (2016)
🔷 album: "Courage" (2019)
🔷 Other Songs albums
✔ easy to use
✔ offline mode
✔ simple display
✔ lyrics are easy to read
✔ lyrics will always be updated
✔ free application forever
This lyrics application is not an official and does not include audio or video because we respect a work from the owner of official recording. You can get the audio at the official store.
Tell us if there is a lyrics in this application that is still not suitable.
or you want to add lyrics to this app, you can contact us directly.